Tuesday, May 8

Geocaching - (GPS Easter Egg Hunt)

I've always wanted to try out Geocaching as a past time, it would help me get out more and say hi to good old mother nature, and at the same time loot something. I recently scored a Garmin GPS V for $25 from a garage sale. It was populated with current Alaska maps (no topo, but I have those somewhere) and the only thing it was missing was the data cable. I ordered a data cable on Ebay for $17.50 since local dealers wanted upwards of $65.00 for one. Soon I will be able to put my limited amount of GIS know how together with my limited how to walk know how.

I went out for my first Geocache hunt last night via bike since there was a cache located near my house. At first I couldn't find it at all and I could have sworn the GPS coordinates are gone and then I found it under a rock just chilling there waiting to be opened and have another Geocacher log their name in the journal. I was quite happy and took a little green finger monkey from the cache, then ended the night by finding a builders benchmark on a bridge near my house. I checked off my two finds on geocaching.com (see my profile ) and looked for more. Today there are a few around work I will try to find during lunch and after work hours.

1 comment:

Martin said...

Most GPS trackers on the market today will allow you to connect additional sensors to the device to remotely monitor the environment around the tracker. Originally GPS trackers were designed just for that, gps tracking. Fleet Management Solutions